Calmar Laser is about Performance, Simplicity and Proven Product. Please explore the buttons to find out what this means for you.

Fine Integration of Top Engineering
Calmar Lasers start with proven stable high performance fiber optic designs from our experienced engineers.
Calmar then adds high quality electronics designed by our superb RF engineers for top performance.
Calmar then makes intelligent use of firmware control to assure highly stable ultrafast fiber lasers that run for years.
With Calmar, you don’t need to mess with your laser, because the mess has been engineered out!

High Quality & High Performance
You should get what you want. You demand a reliable short pulse output, transform limited pulses, high bit rates, and more.
That's why you need Calmar. We deliver the highest quality and performance possible in robust fiber laser designs.

Do you want high power femtosecond pulses with turn-key no-hassle reliability AND solid state power and performance?
You’ve come to the right company. We can deliver 20 µJ sub-picosecond pulses from a reliable, compact, and highly stable fiber laser system!

Fast Pulses Forever
Put out a high performance short laser pulse. Repeat to infinity. That’s what Calmar Lasers do. Some lasers have being doing this since we started 29 years ago.